Montana BMW Riders

Ride Tracks

montana bmw riders

Suitable for a dual-sport or adventure bike. Route is about 70 miles. Ride consists of paved local roads, Forest Service dirt and 2-track roads, and US Highway 93. The route begins and ends at Walmart on the south side of Missoula. The ride crosses over several saddles with views into the Welcome Creek wilderness area and the Rock Creek drainage. The last saddle, 8 Mile saddle, provides views of the Bitterroot Valley and the northern Bitterroot mountains. Dirt roads can be rocky and full of potholes. The ride is suitable for advanced beginners and potentially requires some quick thinking to avoid obstacles. The ride includes long assents and descents. John DiBari

montana bmw riders
St Regis-St Joe

Suitable for dual-sport or adventure bikes. Route is about 194 miles. This is an easy overnight or long one-day ride. There is great camping along the St. Joe River in designated Forest Service campgrounds. The ride consists of Interstate highway, paved local roads, Forest Service dirt and 2-track roads. You can jump on the route wherever you want. I rode to St. Regis, MT and over the divide to Avery, ID (gas is available in Avery). I rode counter clockwise around the west loop, then counter clockwise around the east loop to Superior, MT (so I didn’t quite finish the figure 8 the route makes). Lots of up and down over ridges and into valleys. Great views of the Bitterroot Mountains and St. Joe River. Some dirt roads are wide open gravel, others are rocky and rutted. FS Road 1244 had a lot of downed trees cut out by previous users. It was a good reminder to carry a saw, just in case. The ride is suitable for advanced beginners and potentially requires some quick thinking to avoid obstacles. The ride includes long assents and descents. John DiBari

montana bmw riders
Big Belt Ride

Duck Creek-Confederate Ride takes off Hwy 284 along the east side of Canyon Ferry Reservoir. This is a 72 mile ride, mostly dirt forest and ranch roads with about a 15 mile paved stretch along the east side of the ride (Hwy 360) near White Sulfur Springs. Some rutted and loose gravel in sections but nothing technical or difficult. Just pay attention and OK for big dual sports. Elevation range 4123’ to 7666’. Leave Hwy 284 about 35 miles south of Helena or 13 miles north of Townsend. Lance Lerum

montana bmw riders
Elkhorn Run

Weasel Creek Road out of Winston and back to Townsend on Indian Creek Road. Winston to the top, midway in, is quite rocky and might be best left to dirt bikers or more experienced dual sport riders. 26 miles, 3833’ elevation gain, 7739 max elevation. Nice scenic country if you stop to look around so you can see something other than the rocks in the road. Options to branch out on another road up top that will take you to the Eagle Guard Station, Crow Creek, and on to Radersburg. Lots of options in the Elkhorns. Lance Lerum