Montana BMW Riders
Guys and gals….
You, hopefully, remember the notice I sent in last month’s newsletter concerning the ending of the annual MONTANA BMW RIDERS Mileage contest along with the spread sheet showing who is officially listed as participating. Well, the contest comes to a close October 31st and you will have until November 15th to turn in your ending mileage, in writing, in order to be included in this year’s contest. By writing , it needs to be by snail mail sent to me at:
102 Ironwood Place
Missoula, Montana 59803
Remember to give me your individual motorcycle(s) as well as their mileage as of October 31, 2025. I’m looking forward to receiving your entries and getting this year’s winners done in time to be announced at our annual Christmas parties.
Thanks again for participating.
I remember a ditty as school age kid…it went something like this….” Springs sprung, falls fell, schools here, oh hell.” Now that I am beyond school, it probably should be…” Springs, sprung, falls fell, riding is done…. oh hell”!
While the days are still nice (the GRiZ game on Saturday Sept 21st was particularly spectacular weather wise), the day-light hours are much shorter, daytime temperatures are not so high, and nighttime temperatures are much better for sleeping. Put this all together and I believe it is safe to say that fall is upon us and the riding window is closing.
Our annual Montana BMW rider’s mileage contest officially ends on October 31st. I am attaching my mileage contest roster for this year. This list includes all the names and motorcycles and beginning mileage (a/o 4/1/2025) belonging to those of you who turned in your beginning mileage within the window of opportunity to be included in this year’s contest.
Having seen all the rides that were reported in the club newsletters this summer, I am expecting some great mileage results reflecting the “miles of smiles.” I need to have your ending mileage on your respective rides, in writing, NLT November 15th. This date is to allow for the final cumulation of mileages and the calculation of the winner and the average mile winner in time for the winners to be announced at our annual Christmas gathering(s).
You can mail your final totals to me at: 102 Ironwood Place, Missoula, MT, 59803, or email or text them to me.
Remember there are three winners: 1) the individual with the most accumulated miles during the contest season (April 1 to October 31); 2) an average mileage winner…that person who’s accumulated miles is the closest to the aver-age mileage accumulate by all participants; and 3) after eliminating the first two names, a third name is drawn from the hat as the “at large” winner. Overall, the winner gets a check of $75 from the club and his/her name placed on our mileage plaque (value priceless!), the “average mileage winner” and “at large” winner each get a check for $50 from the club.
I will include another reminder in the November newsletter, but when it comes out, you will only have 2 weeks to get your ending mileage turned it to me. By putting this in the October newsletter, you will have some time to get your last rides in and your mileage recorded.
I am looking forward to hearing for all of you before November 15th.
Larry Banister, Montana BMW Riders Mileage Contest Coordinator